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Honoring Dr. Ric Bothwell

The American Public Health Association sustains two awards in memory of Dr. Eric D. Bothwell, a public health advocate who served as a clinician, manager, educator, researcher, and planner/evaluator, honing his understanding of the profound health disparities facing Native American communities, and specifically, their men.

Dr. Eric (Ric) Bothwell, worked for the Indian Health Service as a commissioned officer for over 26 years. He continued his life-long work on behalf of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) as a consultant on many initiatives and served as a public health advisor for the Men’s Health Network, helping to coordinate the Native Male Health Coalition: The Warrior’s Journey to Wellness.   Ric was a tireless advocate for public health and passionately fought to bring attention to health disparities, particularly those facing Native American males.  He passed away in the Fall of 2016 and has been greatly missed.

Friends, colleagues, and family established a fund in recognition of Dr. Bothwell and his concern for the physical and mental health of AI/AN boys and men and the need to address disparities that compromise their ability to fulfill roles as fathers, husbands, providers, leaders, and contributors to their communities. The award program supported by this fund is dedicated to drawing attention to these disparities and promoting scholarship focused on culturally-grounded, strengths-based strategies to improve the physical and mental health of AI/AN boys and men.

The award program is jointly administered by the APHA’s Mental Health Section, Men’s Health Caucus, and American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Caucus.  Healthy Men, Inc. is pleased to partner with APHA in promoting this award program and providing visibility to its recipients.

Apply for a Bothwell Award

The Eric D. Bothwell Award in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health will recognize and encourage continued scholarship and development of an early career researcher in the field of American Indian and Alaskan Native Men’s health.

The Eric D. Bothwell Student Award in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health will encourage individuals to begin a career that focuses on the field of American Indian and Alaska Native men’s health.

Nominations for these awards are due May 31 each year.  Presentation of Bothwell Awards occurs at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association each Fall.

Please Please download these PDF instructions for self-nomination for both awards.

For more information about The Eric D. Bothwell Awards in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health, please contact the Committee Chair, William Maas, DDS, MPH at [email protected]

Ric Bothwell


The first year that promising scholars were recognized with Bothwell Awards was 2019.  The Covid-19 pandemic interrupted efforts to promote the Awards, which were resumed in 2024.

2019 Awardees

In early November 2019, at the American Public Health Association meeting in Philadelphia, Dan Duquette, Chair of the Men’s Health Caucus presented the 2019 Bothwell Awards. The purpose of the Eric D. Bothwell Memorial Awards is to promote scholarship to better understand the causes of physical and mental health disparities of American Indian and Alaska Native boys and men that compromise their ability to fulfill roles as fathers, husbands, providers, leaders, and contributors to their communities, and how to effectively address those disparities.

Charlene Apok (Iñupiaq)

The 2019 Eric D. Bothwell Student Award in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health was presented to Charlene Apok (Iñupiaq), who is enrolled in the Indigenous Studies PhD Program at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Charlene’s project is titled Alaska Native Men’s Voices. It will describe how individual Alaska Native men self-identify and analyze cross-cutting themes related to identity, health and well-being.

Left to right: Lillian Tom-Orme and Patricia Cochran of the American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Caucus, Charlene Apok, Doug Modig (Charlenes’ mentor), and Dan Duquette, Chair of the Men’s Health Caucus.

Jasmine Bullard (Lumbee)

The 2019 Eric D. Bothwell Award in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health was presented to Jasmine Bullard (Lumbee). Jasmine is Quality Research Specialist and Project Manager in the Cooperative Studies Program Epidemiology Center at the Durham VA Health Care System. Jasmine’s current research efforts focus on examining the burden of cancer and quality of cancer care among Veterans, specifically to understand the causes and consequences of disparities along the cancer continuum and effective strategies to eliminate disparities. Her project, Prostate cancer among American Indian/Alaska Native Veterans, was presented at a poster session.

Left to right: Lillian Tom-Orme (Chair of the APHA American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Caucus), Jasmine Bullard, Dan Duquette (Chair of the APHA Men’s Health Caucus)

2024 Awardee

In early November 2019, at the American Public Health Association meeting in Philadelphia, Dan Duquette, Chair of the Men’s Health Caucus presented the 2019 Bothwell Awards. The purpose of the Eric D. Bothwell Memorial Awards is to promote scholarship to better understand the causes of physical and mental health disparities of American Indian and Alaska Native boys and men that compromise their ability to fulfill roles as fathers, husbands, providers, leaders, and contributors to their communities, and how to effectively address those disparities.

Maeen Arslan

The 2024 Eric D. Bothwell Student Award in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health was presented to Maeen Arslan. After graduation from Dartmouth College, she received a fellowship to work as a volunteer at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center. Her project described outreach strategies utilized to identify and counsel men who were disproportionately at risk of mpox disease during the 2022 outbreak, which enabled them to receive a novel two-dose vaccine to prevent or reduce the severity of the disease.

Left to right: Maeen Arslan was unable to attend the APHA meeting. Bill Maas (Chair of the Bothwell Award Selection Committee) presented the Award to her later at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, where Ms. Arslan is a first-year student.

Apply for a Bothwell Award

The Eric D. Bothwell Award in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health will recognize and encourage continued scholarship and development of an early career researcher in the field of American Indian and Alaskan Native Men’s health.

The Eric D. Bothwell Student Award in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health will encourage individuals to begin a career that focuses on the field of American Indian and Alaska Native men’s health.

Presentation of Bothwell Awards will occur at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Nominations for the awards will be due May 31each year.

Please download these PDF instructions for self-nomination for both awards.

For more information about The Eric D. Bothwell Awards in American Indian and Alaska Native Men’s Health, please
contact the Committee Chair, William Maas, DDS, MPH at [email protected]

Submission Deadline






